Now everything seems clarified.
Even when I followed Descartes step by step like his shadow, when I understood Kant most intimately like a true friend, when I trusted Hegel with all my heart, when I admired Wittgenstein to the highest extent, when Gadamer became my role model as a philosopher, and when Merleau-Ponty shook me with such violence and tenderness-
I have never been more than a devout disciple of Nietzsche's.
And I had not read Nietzsche for long, except those occasions where one cannot but encounter him, though indirectly. I used to think that I have “overcome” my own “Nietzsche period”.
I was wrong. The inscription he had left on me was so distinct that I could not even recognize it myself anymore. And I suffered from this. For it is not possible to know me without reference to him, for others and for myself alike. I have thus become something unknown.
Yet could it be any easier task to understand Nietzsche?
Were it not so late, my true identity as the overman would await…